Brittany Salmon
Brittany Salmon
Redemptive Prose for the Highs + Lows

About Me:

My name is Brittany and I’m an author, wife, mother, professor, and Bible teacher. I have a MA in Intercultural Studies from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a MA in Teaching from NC State University, and a doctorate from Southeastern Seminary. My daytime job (aside from chasing all our tiny humans) is teaching Cross-Cultural Communication and Engagement and leading and mentoring other instructors in my department. But I also love to write and teach others how to take their next steps with Jesus.

I’m passionate about taking theology and applying it to everyday life. I also love oversized sweatpants and a great conversation over a good meal. My hope is that this is a place where you’re encouraged, edified, and enlivened. That you’ll see God’s work through new eyes and realize that He is present in every single moment.

I’ve disabled my blog for now, but you can reach me via the form below OR I’m usually on
Instagram posting about my family, latest thoughts and the occasional messy-bun selfie.


I’d love to hear from you!